Friday, January 25, 2008


practising p0em f0r d upc0ming quizes

L ove is
U npredictable which comes with large
Q uantity of
M isery
A nd there is
N o turning back when u fall into it

2-cinquain [pr0nounce as sinke']

     a necessity in life
  can be expensive but
        a status qua
         connects us

3-alphabets p0em

 A naroxic
 B aby
 C at
 D ied
 E arlier

4-shape [it supp0se to b in star shape bc0z da tittle is star]

 t                 g             r
   o              i          e                                
                   v     v
           t       e   
s t a r  th ats   shine   at  nig ht
             i    h
         l       o     e
     e           p         i
   b            e             r

5- diamante

  all about love are
                   a  cure  a heal but it also can
            p0ison the heart and make it w0rse
                 but it als0 a key of happiness
                                   hope so

6-list p0em

when i was sad all i can think about is:
why am i sad
wh0 make me sad
wh0 can make it better
what can take it away
why is it happening
that is why i dont really wanna b sad

7-haiku[japanese p0em]

i felt like dying
but how about the pers0n
dat loves me so0 much?

8- free verse

is not goin to help me
only prayers
and the help fr0m the god
will make me feel better


i have a teddy bear
it so0 big bcoz it rare
sumone gave dat to me
but his name is not tommy
but i have to give it back in order to be fair

10- i wish

i wish i did not  make dat stupid decisi0n
i wish im not where i am now
i wish i dont have to feel diz way
i wish he could think straight
i wish everything goes back to normal
i wish i have my old boyfriend back :(

k2 dh c0mplete sumer ehehee


farhana said...

cool gilaa. very artistic! XD i actually lost track already about your life, keep me updated aite! looking forward to read your blog later on. hope you'll have a great life ahead! :D

eRmAbuTAng said...

huhuhu i have to0~~ bc0z g0t quiz on p0ems features next wed huhuhuhu

nad said...

erma yang emo = creative & artistic? gud job

eRmAbuTAng said...

wh0 ever said emo life gv u nuthing
~ hey pr0bably havent met any p0et
huhu p0et mmg em0 p0nt harharhar
exhibit a-aku