Wednesday, January 30, 2008

a little breather~~

hye guyz~~
juz wanna state dat i'm g0in back t0 kdh 4 a while
so0 there will b n0 bl0g updating for a while
c0ming back at 6th feb
so0 you'll expect da updated bl0g around dat time okies??

g0ing back wif my mummy diz eve
wif mas
[yeah!!i dun really like air asia!!]
n g0ing str8 t0 langkawi t0morow m0rning

 if u read last p0st-es u will detect there's a lil sumthing wr0ng wif me,,,
n seriously right n0w a need a lil breather
 a lil space on my own
if sumthing c0me up
dun w0rry
i will ann0unce it here....

k back t0 exciting stuff in my life,,
 well as we all kn0e,,
 i'm rich n0w
g0t my aries already
dun even ask my dad 4 weekly all0wance [m0de-bangga]
paid all my debt[a.k.a-my angah]
n shared buying perfume wif my alang
 i juz lurve perfum
 i g0t quite a few...
but i juz used one huhu
 d one dat faizal gv me f0r my bday last 2 years hhahha juz open it last sem,, n still al0t~~

wif da pr0m0ti0n
i ought t0 get JLO SHIMMER GLOW[new one 4 5th annversery of jl0 perfume's line]




 for juz
[take a deeep breath brave ueself]
Rm 275!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
isnt it cheap~~
so0 me n my sis juz shared like 175 per pers0n~~
i to0k the shimmer one n my sis to0k after dark
 actually i kinda like after dark
 the smell is nice
 but my sis wanted it n sheis n0t da glitter type o gurl
so0o ok,, i to0k it :)

that's all 4 n0w~
catch u later~~
but dun b suprise if i update my bl0g earlier huhu
 i'm bl0gging type of gurl hehehhe

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

~brainwave all tangle up~


d0ne my sc quiz~~
i dunn0 h0w i did
h0pe i did well~~~

another test t0morrow~~
s0ngs n p0etry~~
h0pe i'll do welll to0o0

wahhh~~ cr0ss my finger~

g0sh so0 many thing t0 p0nder n revise
to0 many thing t0 think about~~ i think my neur0n cell t0tally tangle up~~
help me help me~~~

n i d0 h0pe he making up a vey wise decisi0n~

Sunday, January 27, 2008

KLPac open day~~


went f0r da klpac open day~~~
 met razif hashim~~
 getting a little bit thinner arent u razif?
get a tablue pic wif him hehehehe
[n0t yet da pitcha is wif ma fren]
belly dancing [arharhar playing hard wif it]
take a ph0t0 p0trait wif ms amyzar~
scooping g0lfish using paper scooper[t0taly felt like g0in to japanese street  festival :P]
watched unsecured Loan by Juliane Block 4 while [quite buhsan]
went t0 kim0n0  dress up 4 a while
 but didnt take past bc0z to0 many crowd
there's a wedding recepti0n at the cafe~~
 so0o0 sweeetttt
 n cuteeeeeeeeee


i wish i can get married there!
[apart fr0m my plan of getting married in the middle of autumn wif da gust of wind fleed around me n my gro0m with trully madly deeply s0ngs as the background s0ng~~~~arghhhhhh h0w r0mantic~~ ]
als0 spent a bit of time chatting n taking tablue pictha wif sum act0rs [n0 photo yet
 they will email it t0 me later~]
watch the pr0ps n costume exhibiti0n
[fell in l0ve wif tunku's pr0ps da laksa sh0p]



huhu again me~~
i'm a freak all right~~~

huhu well dats all
i'll update it later after i g0t da pitcha fr0m my fren k~~~

Friday, January 25, 2008


practising p0em f0r d upc0ming quizes

L ove is
U npredictable which comes with large
Q uantity of
M isery
A nd there is
N o turning back when u fall into it

2-cinquain [pr0nounce as sinke']

     a necessity in life
  can be expensive but
        a status qua
         connects us

3-alphabets p0em

 A naroxic
 B aby
 C at
 D ied
 E arlier

4-shape [it supp0se to b in star shape bc0z da tittle is star]

 t                 g             r
   o              i          e                                
                   v     v
           t       e   
s t a r  th ats   shine   at  nig ht
             i    h
         l       o     e
     e           p         i
   b            e             r

5- diamante

  all about love are
                   a  cure  a heal but it also can
            p0ison the heart and make it w0rse
                 but it als0 a key of happiness
                                   hope so

6-list p0em

when i was sad all i can think about is:
why am i sad
wh0 make me sad
wh0 can make it better
what can take it away
why is it happening
that is why i dont really wanna b sad

7-haiku[japanese p0em]

i felt like dying
but how about the pers0n
dat loves me so0 much?

8- free verse

is not goin to help me
only prayers
and the help fr0m the god
will make me feel better


i have a teddy bear
it so0 big bcoz it rare
sumone gave dat to me
but his name is not tommy
but i have to give it back in order to be fair

10- i wish

i wish i did not  make dat stupid decisi0n
i wish im not where i am now
i wish i dont have to feel diz way
i wish he could think straight
i wish everything goes back to normal
i wish i have my old boyfriend back :(

k2 dh c0mplete sumer ehehee


When You're Gone Lyrics

When You're Gone

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you

my day

tiring n b0rink day
g0t a sp0rt house meeting~~
get in da class
 t0tally clueless on essentialism

cancel my planned to co0k 4 t0nite
 nutz n0t here
 maybe sum other night
 need t0 go to kl pac diz sunday
 f0r 0pen day~~
 cant wait~~
 but dunn0 wut t0 wear yet~~
aiyoo0o0 my frenz r n0w plannin h0w to spent their aries in fr0nt of me
aiyo0 nut~~~ ska abehkn duet :P
 as f0r me
wut t0 do??
maybe th0se esprit v neck sweater i'm eyeing b4 huhuhu
n th0se benefit glitter
n jl0 shimmer gl0w perfume~~~~~~~~
 dats quite a l0t
but erma dear
 dun 4get t0 pay back angah's utang~~~


[ikhlas kerk??? huhuhuhu]

diz wut i read during my sp0rt house meeting harharharhar
d0reen qoute-aiyo0o bukna nk baca bi0
huhuhuh d0reen dear
 u kn0w h0w's i like
 last minute gurl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


 n0w i'm planning f0r my aries~~

Thursday, January 24, 2008

missing gurl

if any0ne of u even saw  diz gurl
bring her t0 the p0lice stati0n k



Wednesday, January 23, 2008

heath ledger is g0ne??????????

my heath ledger is g0ne???
my bel0ved knight
my bel0ved gabriel
is g0ne?
u c0mmit suicide??
i was inside da cinema when my frenz msg me n tell me dat
mr ledger is n0w rest in peace :(
so0o0 sad
i really like him
he was like da sec0nd j0hnny depp~~
my g0sh

heath ledger

Heath Ledger


sexy man~~~
which r g0ne~~~

Sunday, January 20, 2008

n0w i kinda like watching badmint0n :P

me n sp0rt would neva be in da same page
i dun like sp0rt
at all
dun even care t0 participate in any
only watch it
when it inv0lves
-cute b0ys
-in short
-sweating on their sexy b0d

kil0d make me watch malaysian open yesterday~~
our s0lely represnter ch0ng wei r playing~~
fr0m dat m0ment
 i will like him hhahahaha
dun kn0e why
here is da pic

ch0ng wei~~~~~~~~~~

cutie pie~~~~~~~


Saturday, January 19, 2008

mr j0hny g0ne bad


i watched tim burt0n & johnny dePp new masterpiece n it is briliant~
fr0m da very beginnin-da m0ntaj
till the very last scene
briliant briliant briliant
n very breath-taking performance by all the actors there
brav0 brav0 brav0
worth begging 4 m0vie~~
and marvelous music arrangement
a like all the s0ng
[did i menti0n it was a musical?]
n0 wonder it beat hairspray at the g0lden gl0be~~

 here is da trailer~
hv fun watching it

p/s keep n eyes on anth0ny~ new faces
his real name: jamie campbell b0wer

the camera i f0rgott0n

i was browsing around flickr
the i saw diz grup
 the l0mo group
i like lomo cam
 i have one!!
the after dust n dirt i found my f0rgoton cam~~
 i plead my dad f0r the m0ney t0 buy it
it was b4 i couple up wif my bf huhuhu
its so0o cute
 used it b4 but havent devel0p the pic
n it g0t l0st


my l0mo cam

i g0t to kn0w of diz cam when i was watchin one disney club sh0w when i was still in skul
 then i saw it at my fav sh0p f0lio
n t0taly fall in l0ve wif it
beg my dad n g0t it
but  dun really use it
like nutx said
erma-mmg p0nt

Friday, January 18, 2008

my breakfast date wif da cutie pie

its a nice m0rning
[after all i really need a guy lo0king face to c]
woke up kinda early
 need t0 rush up to kl sentral
meeting my sista chinese helper
mr yin, wh0 is somehow is same aged wif me but with 40 cm taller [i'm 150 mind u]
arrived quite early at kl sentral
n found out da trans counter is cl0sed
so0 wut da heck
juz wait 4 him
he arrived
n guess wut
i'm juz belo0w his armpit
bel0w it!!!!!!!
so0 tall n cute
i thought he's g0in to b shy around me since diz is da first time we meet face t0 face
b4 diz juz simply skype n ph0ne calls
but miraclely
he is n0t
we were like talking talking
was planned t0 got sum pan cakes at mcd
 but he
said he had en0ugh of mcD
so0 ok
went t0 rasamas
hv sum toast
[dear oldtown comp. plz open one at kl sentral will ya
 da k0pitiam there d0esnt interest me]
n cahtting sum mure
then g0t int0 d lrt
da funny part is on the escalat0r i need t0 g0 3 step infr0t him to be at the same height as him
inside lrt
he need to dodge his head
bc0z his head at the same level wif the railing
i was laughin all the way t0 masjid jamek
then g0t him da bus tic
 n off t0 go~~~
quite a simple m0rning
but really comforting 4 da first time meeting a new fren isnt it???
owh here is his pic~~
he is cute aite
pluz he is a basketballer!!

yin yg chumei

Thursday, January 17, 2008



diziness n laziness

i'm having my menstrual time of da m0nth n9w
[kinda early usually on da d0t :(]
which lead me  of feeling
3-abs ache
4-cant g0 to swim
6- smelly

n u dont really likes me during diz time bc0z
1-over manja
2-needs m0re attenti0n
3-asyik ngantuk jer


so0 enj0y ur time here~

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

its g0in to b an0ther lie????????????????

is it?
is it?
juz gimme da truth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
b0do b0do

or is i m0ise who being stupid?

l0ve is really so0o0 much being stupid together!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

its g0ne~

firstly i wan to apologise t0 rizal
i'm so0 sorry
i d0 lurve dat bunny
so0 sad
i miss my nienie
n its g0ne n0w


owh2 lupa lak!

i went t0 starbuck wif ma sis last saturday [yup2 da same day i taken that khakis f0lded flip fl0p thingy]
guess wut?
[wut?]*i kn0e wu will say it :P*
i g0t my starbuck 2008 planner!!!!!!!!!!
eventhough after da h0t ch0c n caramel frappu i still need 3 m0re sticker
 dat indian guy~~
stick it all~~
its c0mplete!!
i got 18 c0ffee sticker
n one dessert sticker[i owe it t0 nurul muahhhxx miss u ayul bucuk]
n i eligible t0 have
[ta daaaaaaaaaa]


2008 starbuck jurnal dat i always wanted~~~~~~~~~~~~
after paying
dat indian guy[f0rgot to lo0k at his nametag~ s0wie~~overj0yed wif my complete coup0n!]
asked me
*miss, do u wan to redeem ur jurnal
moise-*nodding frantically*yes!!
n [tadaaaaaaaaaa]
i g0t it [smile grin smile grin hahahha]
lurve it so0o0 much
but i need t0 thanx sum pe0ple~~
1-my alang
2-my angah
4-abg li
5-ayul[4 her symphatic quest-ayul nk cake*cute rasa cam nk geget muka!]
6-rina [i used my persuati0n technique dat made her buy frappuchin0 java chip muahhahahah]
7-dearest m0ise~~[wh0 spent most my all0wance at starbuck n g0in to die of to0 much caffein real so0n]

lurving it~~
k nitey nite

i'm a busy b0dy

i admit
i'm n0t a very trendy or up t0 date pers0n
but hey
beauty lies in the eye of the beh0lder
n it is n0t a beauty!

plz dont wear diz

y on earth u w0re a shirt wif khakis wif p0cket detail???
t0 t0p it all
u w0re flip flop wif dat
i thought there's sum unwritten rules bout dat
pe0ple dont wore flip flop wif khakis
its utterly unexceptable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wut ever happen t0 sneaker?????
talk t0 me!!!

n skinny jeans
it d0esnt w0rk wif flip fl0p!!
unless u r minah rempit~~
to make it safer
 write a n0te infr0nt of ur shoe rack
1-flip fl0p goes wif skirt,track, t0tally casual
2-khakis skinny bell b0ttom-n0 flip flo0p
3-wore flip flop only t0 go to mamak in fr0nt ur house or strictly at the beach
4-pe0ple r n0t interrsted wif ur t0e nail~

dats all
thank u

Friday, January 11, 2008

i hate that freaking dream

i always hate diz kind of dream
i always hv it
it happen quite ofthen now
its about my dad
i dun like it
i wan him to b da way he was before
when i was at skul
when he was str0ng
he lo0k very healthy
he could juz lo0ked at me n i'll kn0e i'm in trouble

but in my dreams
i dunwanna even to write bout it
bc0z i knoe it isnt true
i hate it
i hate it
i lurve him so0o0 much
i wan him to be like he supp0se to be

it was all lie
freaking lie
hate it

st0p it plzz

plz st0p bull shitting me
it is n0t a s0lid reason
if u really wan to end it
plz juz say it
st0p trying t0 bull shitting me wif th0se thing
i'm n0t dat blind
i can really see it through
it is n0t a s0lid reas0n
kn0w wut
i'm tired t0 b dat stupid gurl
can u juz st0p d0ing dat
if u wan to end it
juz say s0
i want dat guitar back
i want the ring back
i want dat tough back
i want dat l0nsdale t shirt back

juz tell me wut u wan
i can gv u back

Thursday, January 10, 2008

wut i 've d0ne t0day :)

t0ld ya yesterday dat i'm g0in to learn bout organelles t0day
n we need t0 come up wif a m0del
its a gr0up w0rk thingy
which we always acc0mplished marvelously~~
fr0m above it lo0ks like diz


fr0m fr0nt diz is h0w it lo0ks like diz


we are d0ing a plant cells m0del btw
it kinda nice aite???
n we d0 it very fast
s0o proud wif my group huhuhuhuhu
 so00 erma
u need t0 learn t0 lurve bi0 m0re k dear :)

wut i'm g0in to learn t0morrow

well g0t sc t0morrow
here wut i need t0 lo0k through:
animal cells [organelles]
well since my bo0k is in bm
need t0 buy a new one
which meant~~
abah~~~~~~ nk duet~~~~~~~

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

things happen 4 a reas0n

i read sumwhere
dat things happen 4 a reason
if allah answer ur prayer immediately
he 's increasing ur faith
if he havent answer ur prayer
he is increasing ur patience
if he didnt answer ur prayer
he hv better plans f0r ue~~


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

when u walk away

new year resoluti0n
swim at least 3 times a week [10 mins at least per sessi0n]
be square
remember its n0t ur l0st it his
u'll b fine
u kn0w wut
d0n let him make u sad
u r n indiviual
u r ur own self
way t0 go u~~~~
crying is da last thing t0 do
bc0z he d0esnt w0rth it
remebr u must b str0ng bc0z u r better than dat
he juz a silly guy dat full of h0rmones dat cant seem t0 c0ntrol himself in every way
n u r
a y0ung lady
u r str0ng
yes yes yes u r

have u ever

hv u ever felt like ur life is like in the m0vie/soap opera/drama??
shit mayb it juz me hehehhe
u kn0w h0w i felt right n0w?
i felt like i'm da bitch gf f0r the hero in the m0vie
in th0se triangle l0ve[wtf?] i'll be d 0ne t0 b dump
bc0s the her0 finally realise dat he fall in l0ve wif dat go0die tw0 shoes gud gurl
 wh0 had a shriek v0ice
 t0tal ann0ying t0 other gurl
 b0ys think she's a sweetheart
 but gurl think she's t0tally fake
 bc0z she's only react t0 a simple p0ke after 13 sec0nd?
heck dats fine
i'll be that biacth
 dat cute beautiful biacth dat finally will find sum0ne t0 suit her
 bc0z she's abs0lutely marvelous
eventhought she's a lil bit materialistic but heck
she had  a clique dat pull up to undies till ur a**hole crack n bleed
i'll b dat biacth dat absolutely cute n can fit in th0se tiny jeans n n0t t0 dress up like a mak cik jual zulian kt umah[which dat her0 badmouth bout it b4]
i'll b dat biacth dat's cute eventhough she d0esnt own a car bc0z she's simply t0 cute t0 drive it n pe0ple are wilingly t0 drive her
i'll b dat biacth gf
after all i'm cute
n she's n0t

Monday, January 7, 2008

it wuz yesterday

i went t0 kpac yesterday[i heart that place i heart all the act0r n th0se m0dern architecture n faridah merican!]
went t0 watch aladdin the pent0mine
it was interesting
full of macabre hum0r
hahhaha the actor is very inpiring
but hey let the picha d0 all the talkin shall we?

me n rashid salleh~~ he did n0t act but still there t0 supp0rt joanna n douglas


me n own princess paris~~ she's cute!06-01-08_1740

humrp,,, alil blurr but this is douglas lim~~ he's our super duper sr~~ n i absolutely heart diz man
ALL HAIL DIZ FELLA`` gr8 acting n inspiring m0tivati0n 4 us after the sh0w~~n nice menicure :P


wif nell ng,, she lo0ks a lil bit diff but heck nice***** babe! n very nice perfrmance


think dats all~~ lo0king f0wrad 4 da next p0st~~ huhuhuhuhu catch u later alligat0r~

why am i hre

hey~~ i am here
its my first p0st here
but i've been bl0gging f0r a while
at xfresh .c0m
y am i there?
simply bc0z during th0se bl0gging days..
 i wan a l0cal bl0ggin d0main
n xfresh g0t it
but after
nearly 4 years
they decide a new lo0k n it sux
then my fren nut~
ask me t0 use bl0gsp0t
 wut da heck
 i am desprate t0 bl0g,,
 aftr nearly a m0nth of n0t doing it
i als0 had 360
 but hey
dun really like it
dats kinda hard t0 define maself
 but hey
i'm weird
freakingly weird
weird0 weird
but i think sum people find it attractive
but sum  juz d0nt
n i dun really care
bc0z i dun care bout others
bc0z i'm p0ssessive
alil bit self centered
n sp0iled
n materialistic
n a dash of hip0crit
hate me if u wan
i'll b a bitch
i'll b a saint
but dun bug me if i dun bug ue :)