Thursday, January 15, 2009

dear allysza

bdk kecik yg over n manja n busuk
achu p0nt x nk kwn dgn icha gak~~

*my depression makes me do this*


farhana said...


nad said...

apa salah dia?

Qarl said...

i didnt know dat period can bring such depression!

be patient, ya!

eRmAbuTAng said...

kak nana: cute?? she bites me~ a lot!!

nut: dia blagak dgn aku dh 2 ari,, asyik men butang jaa

karl:it does,, so0 b ready wif ur gf next time

farhana said...

haha. maybe she wants to be like ur boyf, edward cullen. the vampireeee :D

eRmAbuTAng said...

or my eded bites her??