1. How old were you when you had your
first relationship?
[lusty me :P standard 6 laa hahhaha]
2. Are you taken/single?
[on the lo0se hunny~~ single yet not quite available :D]
3. How old were you when you had your
first kiss?
[i dun take math: bad at it *wink*]
4. What color is your underwear?
[non money for guessing]
5. Do you like anyone right now?
[i like him i like that i like this i like that]
6. Ever had your heartbroken?
[once badly done n quite hard to heal~]
7. Miss anyone right now?
[my parents :( n those lil pe0ple who always bugs my sleep]
8. Who was the last person you sent a
text to?
[kak hanim.. to0 bad aite nvm,, next time]
9. Last person to text you?
[kak hanim to0 :D]
10. Last person you saw?
[those pe0ple who annoyed m but light up my life at the same time :P]
11. What was the last thing you said to someone?
[lupa ahh sy duduk dlm kotak laa skunk]
12. Who is top in your top friends?
[my besh besh buddy n no one gonna b my maid of honor other than her! elle!!]
13. Why?
[luv her.. much.. dunno y :P]
14. Who do you trust the most in your life?
[my parents my babes my guppies]
15. Who do you love most?
[pe0ple around me]
16. Ever been in love?
[yes,, its all sweet n dreamy but also cloudy n heart breaking]
17. Who has hurt you the most?
[h0nestly when d one u truly trust bethray u n u neva saw it coming]
18. Has a tragedy ever happened in your life?
[hurm,, my parents got admitted in the hospital,, broken heart,,]
19. Are you happy?
[im content n missing my parents,, i got this a lot when my parents wasnt on the smae land wif me :(]
20. How many good friends do you have?
[surrounded by one n other juz a phone call away]
21. Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone?
[t0ns hunny!! tons!! im dat hopelessly romatic!!]
22. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
[h0nestly n0pe!!! when i commit i really d0 :P dats wut scorpi0 do :D]
23. Ever been cheated on?
[im not sure but think so0~]
24. Ever been told someone loved you?
[h0ney~~ been there done dat love is like i dunno rver i think it can change ]
25. Ever told someone you loved them and meant it?
[im hopelessly r0mantic: duh obviously!]
26. Not meant it?
[hurm,,, x pnah kot,,]
27. Ever had your heart broken?
[plz refer back to my entries last year~~ hahhaha im such a mess]
28. Are you happy with where your relationship is now?
[a lil gurl who tryin to venture the world :P]
29. What is your idea of true love?
[we juz knew it i guess compliment each other]
30. When they slip, do you think you can let go the small stuff?
[been there done that hunny~]
31. Do you believe in love at first sight?
[n0pe it always b lust :P beleive me!!]
32. Why or why not?
[u cant judge a person in 3 sec hunny~ face it dear~ im romantic nt stupid :P]
33. Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love?
[yup2 its all about the connecti0n]