yeah,, my fren intr0duced me diz s0ng,,, it kinda hit da sp0t huhu
Is It You by Cassie
I'm looking for a lover not a friend Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to I'm looking for someone who won't pretend Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel, Someone who can keep me real and who knows always Baby I like to have you in my way And I'm looking for someone who takes me there, Wants to share, shows he cares Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for Could you be the one for me? (Could you be?) Could you be the one I need?
I'm looking for someone to share my pain (Uh) Someone who I can run to, who would stay with me when it rains Someone who I can cry with trough the night Someone who I can trust who's hardest right And I'm looking for someone
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel, Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way And I'm looking for someone who takes me there, Want to share, shows he cares Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for Could you be the one for me? Could you be this one I need?
Take for grant How much I care (How much I care) And appreciates that I'm there Someone who listens And someone I can call who isn't afraid of thought to share
Is it you? is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
like seriouslly?? d0 i? i mean.. do i need to b jealous over dat lousy biatch-wh0-think-she's-saint? like herl0w i'm n0t jealous i'm ann0yed wif dat type of pe0ple... wh0 thinks she's all that fuck up
tired~~ overslept~~ hehhehe yup2 dats wut i felt right n0w..
wut wut ive been up to0?? let me see
after da bo gr8 phil0 paper -went t0 midvalley t0 meet up wif ma mum n sissy -but stuff t0 make cup cake[happy m0de :D] -eat sum0re[eventhough i'm eaten already] -went back t0 my sissy h0use in jln u... yes,, dat jln u,, near 9th c0llege n next t0 millineum court n kfc~~ -babysit nafidz n icha until da next day.. -my first attemp t0 BAKE CUPCAKE!! hehhehehehehehhe
on thursday -babysit th0se lil m0nster oppsie i mean munckin hehheheheh -thank erkh kak balqish wh0 helps me A LoT~~~ -to0k them to kfc jln u f0r mkn2 sessi0n -went bck h0me -mkn2 at kak hanim's h0use [her briyani is kicking baby~~ so0o0 nice] -start makin dinner invitati0n card wif fafa da monm0n -sleep -tried to study ragmatic a bit[n0tice h0w i describe tried]
yeah i guess dat was it miss nafidz already~~ he such a go0d kid,,, so0 s0rry cant b there t0day bc0z i hv my own errand ,,,, hurm realy h0pe my sis understand......... btw enj0y da pictha~
my first attemp of making cupcake! -pre baking
-see i really make it
-during baking pr0cesss
-p0st baking sessi0n~~ [hahaha i know its n0t really nice]
huhuhuhuhu owh here da lil munchkin dat r0ck ma day
k saint wannabe k fine he is n0t my bf anym0re but he is n0t urs aite? n guess wut i'm such a p0ssessive bitch a simple thing like dat may effect me like its da first tyme happen,, like herl0w,, kaki cramp jer p0nt bukan patah! aku yg takut drh p0nt klau luka suruh p0mpuan tgk jgn nk gedik bley,, so0 luke if i'm gedik like dat wannabe saint x? itu bkn dah gedik itu extra gedik k like dun make big fuzz of small thing!!
hey t0ld ya b4 i'm dat type of bitch dat d0esnt gv up klau nk flirt bwat bt0i2 bley x so0 mr safian be ready bc0z u r g0in to hv fun flirtin wif me!! when we talk bout flirtin lets talk about real flirt k,, s0rry i dun play th0se vulnerable weak saint wannabe part i'll play th0se gr8 t0 hv fun wif part ok so0 pian lets have fun!!! so0 u like hip h0p lets hit da flo0r babay!!!!
to taht wannabe saint gurl.. i always b nice to u like herl0w hv u heard of unwritten rules in gurls w0rld? we hv limits dear~~~~~~~ since u had cross th0se line babay feel s0rry 4 ur self bc0z i dun think others will b on ur side[well mayb k0t c0z u hv ride] juz wuteva babe juz continue living wif thanu c0z frankly there is where u bel0ngs~~~~~~~~~~~`
yeah i'm fucking mad like omg i cramp my feet by sitting~ g0sh needd b0ys help s0rry b0ys only~~~ dun w0rry i still can make it playing tug of war bc0z b0ys help me ohhhhhhhhhhhh i'm so0o0 wreck oppsie i mean weak f.u.c.k o.f.f.!
yeah its been a while since i last bl0g g0t so many thing g0in on.... bz tired frustrated ann0yed sad happy curiuos g0sh thats h0w i feel lately..... yeay.. is the end of the sem :D but g0t exam next week... g0t bummer result f0r my sec0nd ling test w0rried bout my lingui assgmnt sum0re h0pe it'll b ok.. pray hard f0r my succes!!
i went t0 maju juncti0n,,, n b0ught this delicious thing wif only 6.9...its so0o0 superbly amzing its my fav co0kies flavoour,,,choc chip n pecan nut,,, call me last seas0n,, but i juz found out bout diz famous am0s ice cream~~
i pick co0kies crumps sprinkles~~ like OMG its yummy~~
went t0 tesc0 yesterday huhuhu kn0w wut i'm dyin for thins since last m0nth,, to0 bad they don hv smalller package,,, n i wast wif ma mum,,, mummy,, i wanna haagen dazs,,,, its so0o0 mouth watering,,[dro0ling~~~~~~~]
its my fav eva...
i was so0o cl0se to buy it but,, hey its kinda n0t w0rth it,, bc0z i dun think i can fnish all... hurm,,, bummer.....
erma,,, plzz do ur asgment *i tried to0 but i cant f0cus y? *i p0ured all my kn0wledge out already :( *which i dun hv much :( *i dun like phil0 its d0est matter wether u like it or n0t u must finish it *yeah yeah yeah *i'll try juz another half to go u can do it.... *k wuteva u wasted ur time already diz afterno0n *on my defense.. i over slept n do0 really need t0 eat do u really need t0 go to tesc0? *well... *i need inspirati0n *to0 bad n0 starbuck there *im craving f0r shepard pie :( start d0ing ur w0rk! *k wuteva * i still think nerd is co0l :D [da gr0up] * i still wanna watch deefinitely,mayb *i always lurve ryan ren0lds since 2 guys a girl.... * i miss having bo0[well actually i miss him] *juz watched you bel0ng together vids *wentworth is t0tally worth it!! *really t0uch me laa dat s0ng *hey lukey,, didcha miss me??? * i miss ue :(