when u call ur parents
they asked whether u asking for more money
n saying they hv none
ok aku amat terasa this time
i went to uk wif no MONEY AT ALL
ada x sampai 500 dlm bsn
n 540 dlm cimb
bkn nk ckp apa
since i enrolled in thirtier education
most of my expends
comes from my own freaking pocket
n only when i moved in wif my sis
which all of my siblings finished their undergrad study
baru my dad pay for my freaking rent
b4 dat
its all my money
wif weekly allowance 150
or occasionally xtra money
dats FREAKING all
ok saket sgt
hati ok
i even pay for my own car
but for diz dec payment
i hv no more freaking money
since all my money finish here
soo cam mna nk bayar duet keta
who cares
tarik la keta tu
fuck off
i freaking doesnt mind any more
*didie plis tumpang g klass nnt :(*
ok rs fuck sgt
aku jgn susahkn diorg
abehkn duet kasi org
pegi travell
4- 5 juta kali
langsung x ajak aku n leave me
then ckp x da duet
mayb i pull an arvind
skip this freaking last sem
n work my ass off
bcoz my parents happen hv no money left for MOI
kawen jew
by kawen
akad nikah
who cares about d wedding
i juz meet them up at chillies
everyone pay for their own food
i'll bake a cake or sumthing
there goes my wedding
yes honey
i freaking dont mind
at least u can pay for our flat
i might b afraid or mouse n those smell
but i'll adapt it later
if ur parents wanna thrown a wedding for us
fine by me
it juz my parents happen to hv no freaking money for me
love u
love my parents too
but they can keep their freaking money