petenut l0ser :P
riena creepy n bkl meroyan ketika s.b.e nnt.. owh my
1) Do u think ur hott?
[yeh :P sumtimes like now since im all wangi up :P]
2)Upload a fav picture of you.
*aritu g tgk bola dkt stadium dgn guppies syah apai togo shawn erkh sapa lg,, owh yes ada special appearance laaaaaaa :P*
3)Why do u like this pic?
[i lo0ks like gypsi gurl kn?? i always wanted to b one!]
4) When was ur last time eating pizza?
[aritu dgn riena but i ate carlz0ne,,, nvm its the insideout pizza]
5) The last song u listened to?
[mamma mia -abba yup2 im vintage at heart]
6)What are u doing right now?
[this thingy... alone at the hall,,, its a ghost town in ma house,, erkh i suppose to study matahri choreography kn?]
7)What name do u prefer besides urs?
[hurm,, dats tough erma pattison? awww u should say dat~~ its osund so0 dreamy!!]
8)People to tag
-kak nana
-elle wo0ds
-didie busuk lupa wallet
-misnieda cullen (see im sharing him!)
9)Who is number 1?
[cute kakak yg sporting!! bila nk jumpa nie!]
10)No. 3 is having a relationship with?
[obviously not me :P]
11)Say something bout number 5.
[she kewl!! n a gr8 person to share things wif :P]
12) No4?
[my adek :alaaaa x nk adek!!: huhu she cute n uber nice]
13)Who is number 2?
[i luv her adore her n obviously mish her much much much :P whe's gonna b my own lawyer!! sue me later pe0ple i got my lawyer up already :D]
next story :D
well today is :
but since its all d0ne
during the reading class at recital hall
* which i cant pay attention since faizal is infront of me lo0king oh my so0 cute n i juz cant resist it owh my x nk duduk situ dah :(*
me n didie [my partner in crime] list down sum fascinating stuff :P
but this one is my fav :D
like OMG
we are like superb creative kn?
no worries it is totally wasnt like vandalisme or sumthing since we both hate those juvie stuff
we are like :
two of the nicest cutest honest person there
n pe0ple keeps misundersto0d us since we r like
uber cute n loveable
pe0ple are juz so0 judgemental sumtimes
kn didie dear :P
owh dear
my stomach is growling
its no longer coldplay
its like tokio hotel now
*fill me up fast!!*
owh my did i juz hear my stomach talks to me?
seriouly i need fo0o0dddddd
k gtg then
papai all the pe0ple in the world
dun worry
im still voted for world peace
greener enviroment
recycling stuff
d day was fun..
rite now, it's turning a little dark :(
wuts wr0ng
talk to u tomorow k!
thanks for the tagg! bz sket at the moment. sob sob. btw cute gypsy pic of u! :D
"gypsy sittin' lookin' pretty" ;)
i've tagged u too.. :D
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