Sunday, February 1, 2009


nvm tag comes first

15 Things That I Have Learnt In 2008:

1) im strong baby [emotionally laa physically,, average :P]

2) i can actually lived

3) Feeling lonely does not mean you have to have a boyfriend

4) keep n open mind u mag got sumthing gr8

5) sum p0eple may lo0k bitchy but they hv go0d heart [me!]

6) I still hv my charms :D

7) Staying at home means getting money anytime

8) dun rust ur fren to0 much

9) girlfren r totally rational n emotional~

10) do not expect too much

11) Always have self-control

12) When you are really really angry, let it out

13) diet coke cure everything beleive me

14) Do not give up, ever

15) Always, always, be yourself

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