remember i pr0mised u dat i'll p0st da tablue pitcha i to0k at the klpac open day??
here -->
[n0te t0 my self=erma n0 matter h0w happy r u
st0p smilin like a senile cat
its ugly~]
i thought they r g0ing like t0 email it pers0nally t0 me
guess wut???
they r to0 lazy
they juz send me da link t0 their picasa album~~
huhu nvm
juz found out bout da tablue act0rs
actually they r bunch of student like me
but perf0rming art student
n0t a tesl student [d'oh~]
they r in the oral stage club [check them out in facebo0k]
they f0rm diz club like a year b4?
n0t sure bout dat but seriously i d0 hv fun taking pictha wiff'em
n there r very talented
they are like freezing like 3 mins 4 da tablue
[kinda co0l bc0z they can w0rk in klpac~~~ i really heart dat place]
u might keep asking
wut da heck she's talking bout tablue??
its pr0nounce as tab.low
its a french w0rd btw
it a freeze frame of any scene in da play 4 bl0cking
bl0cking-a part/movement of actor so0 dat d audience didnt catch a glimpse of their butt during da play.
tablue is use by da direct0r during da rehearsel s0o that the audience could see da wh0le play [facial expressi0n,gesture etc]
i juz mumbling away~~
i kn0e~~~
but i like mumbling :P
catch u later alligat0r~
hey i think i cam kenal that long hair guy, the one wearing black tee. if i'm not mistaken lah. looks really familiar. :D
i dunn0 his name,,
but indeed
he is darn talented
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