huhu i kn0w,, i said until 6th aite?? but juzz to0 much t0 p0ur~~
k satrting wif da day i left f0r kdh~
it was 31st aite??
hurm wut happen?? yeah,, da wh0le mcD bias thingy at klia~
b0ys n gurls
d0 not
i repeat
d0 n0t go n eat mc d at klia
1- its expensive-better u buy at klsentral 1st
2- the w0rkers there?
i was standing there like 2 mins wif tw0 lapt0p bag
waiting 4 d cashier
but da minute dat f0reigner sl** came
the cashier appeared ~~
wut da shit is dat
n i was standing there da wh0le time~
wut da s**t is dat??
k fine da cashier is hot but n0 manner??
mine u~~
u r w0rking n pr 4 gudness sake???
then i was like *sacarsticly* bias agaist l0cal arent u? t0 da cashier n he was juz sheepishly smiling
[hey i was like tired n angry n t0tally n0t in a gud m0od,, ur cute smile?? didnt w0rk here baby~]
then when he gv me my order,, s0rry erkh kak[kakak??? hey u??? i'm only 20!!]
usually i will sweetly smile *its ok* hell n0
i juz left[i was very c0ld lately aite?]
then i left f0r langkawi
n0te diz
n0 mo0d 4 sh0ppin
n n0t enough time....
then when arrived at kuala perlis p0rt
went 4 restaurant nelayan
[really miss elle's daddy,,,,]
huhuhu fried prawn n squid~~ nice~~~
n laksa there
d0ne n0thing
juz tv-ing
hurm went out wif ma
t0 da p0st office[call me weird but i lurve p0st office :P]
then went out wif ma babes~~
juz a relax eve
eating n cake-ing
@ secret recipe
we shared da cake[p0nt x abeh hehehhe]
b4 we depart t0 our own car[huhu]
[my g0d~~ jambu ayaq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hahhaha]
hurm dats all 4 n0w~~
g0t stuff t0 do wif my kayers
a lil bit like sisterho0d of travellin pants huhuhu
k catch u later~~
bias huh? i didn't know that. went there once and i was treated just like anyone else. maybe this isn't your day kott. and secret recipe! my favorite spot. you know what, i can actually eat that cake all by myself! lol. and what's up with you love to go the post office? weird indeed but cool! :D
love u!!!!
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