Friday, January 2, 2009

simple but miserable

this is a pictural tagged like


a) Answer the questions below, do a Google Image Search with your answer, take a picture from the first minimal words of explanation.

b) Tag 5 other people to do the same once you've finished answering every question page of results.

1. The age you'll be on your next birthday:

[seshi 22 :D]

2. A place you'll like to travel to :

[my real life fairy tale st pertersburg]

3. Your favourite place :

[comfy couch while ready bo0ks all day l0ng]

4. Your favourite food(s) :

[cupcakes!! im such a sweet to0th]

5. Your favourite pet :

[a lil teacup terrier y0rkie OMG so0o0 cute]

6. Your favourite colour combination :

[black n fuchia]

7. Your favourite piece of clothing :

[boys brief : sexy no vpl n comfy!]

8. Your all time favourite song :

[truly madly deeply : savage garden]

9. Your favourite tv show :

[friends: nva bee bored wif it! lurve all 6 of 'em]

10. First name of your significant other/crush :

[married me now edward cullen or robpat!!]

11. The town in which you live in :

[alor star : i wanna get married there : masjid zahir,, the prettiest masjid ever]

12. Your screen name or nickname :

[butang :D *i actually hv this tee :P*]

13. Your first job :

[tutor :P]

14. Your dream job :

[fashion designer]

15. Your worst fear :

[losing my beloved]

16. The one thing you'd like to do before you die :

[married :D]

17. The first thing you'll buy if you get $1000 0000 :

[iph0ne 3g 16g muauhahahhaahau]


Persons to tag
-kak farhana
-n anyone whose interested :P

survey yg amat memakan masaaaaa
but kinda fun
thanx a bunch nutx

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