time fly past
year comes and go
summary of 2o08 and my resoluti0n on 2o09
wah wut can i say erkh so0 many ups n downs
felt like more d0wns but mayb bc0z im so0 bz mendin my br0ken heart i forgot all the happy times :D
but in my wheels of life [more into love kot hahhhaa]
my wheel is working on again :) hope it goes up :P!!
*love life*
-broken up yup2 which are one of the hardest thing happen to ma life
-i think when u r in this situati0n u'll find whose ur true fren n whose the f0x in the sheep skin aite?
- i learn the really hard way that in our life,, we can actually gain wut we want n pe0ple wh0 we really trust can actually bethray u conclusi0n : dun trust pe0ple t0 much..
-well i think im quite content now,, picking my life pieces by pieces which is a very l0ng journey: believe me
*outside life*
-"do yu believe in ghost story?? believe n0w bc0z u're in one!!"- captain barbosa in pirates of carribean the curse of black pearl : yes n0w i do believe in th0se gh0st stories ,, yup2 they indeed lurve the electrical appliances believe me!!! i witness it dear
-owh yes i did work as a personal totur for a very very short tyme hahhahahahahahah
-i think im str0nger than i nva imagine like seriously i nva thot i could b that str0ng~~
-thanx to all my beloved babes, guppies for the pillar of friendship u build for to h0ld on when i was kick down to the very flo0r of misarable :P [yeah still drmatic till n0w :P]
muahahah nuthing much kot bc0z im simply the same old lazy gurl :P
2o09 new year resoluti0n
hell0 2o09
can u pr0mise me that i'll b much happier?
that i actually can get through pass th0se h0rrible do0r that i been g0ne through??
lets h0pe for the besh shall we??
owh yes one of the thing : sy promise try not t0 bring my mp3 to class anymore so0 i mayb can concetrate in class??? i'll try k but th0s course diz sem sure sound BORINK
as usuall : try t0 b a better muslimah~~ lets pray for it ok!! [lets not juz pray lets juz practice it erma~~]
k dats all for n0w kot hahahha
bubbye h0rriblely sweet 2o08
n welc0me to the sh0w uncertain 2o09 :D
I'll b waiting!!
happy new year 2009
me still x jumpe kak erma..
tp d other kakak-s dh jmpe pg td
kak erma~~~ he's making u older dear
i knoe~~~
juz erma jew~~~
im the youngest!!
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