Sunday, August 17, 2008

talkin talkin talking

lets talk bout p0litic first
-u stupid PKR supp0rter!! u hit a ph0tographer?????? didcha kn0e h0w i felt b0ut photographer u m0ron!!!
-owh bout d raja petra,, man u such a wise ass[mouth k0t] hahhahahah but still d0esnt menat dat im in the same boat wif u :P p0wer to da bl0gger much?
-say muhkriz at the photographer press c0nference,, is it juz me or he do lo0ks nice?
[g0sh erma st0p it u dun wan old people!]
-anwar go n juz swear n be d0ne wif it,, if u didnt do it juz g0 n swear its getting lame!! btw saiful u r cute :P

-sux to da max! went f0r 2 kenduri today,, da first one OH MY really sux,, mck klau bwat kenduri jgn kedekut bley? klau x ckup duet x yah wat kenduri,,ok?????
-say diz lil gurl oh my so0o0 cute huhuhuh[i wan my daughter as cute as her!]
-dh mls nk ckp psai kenduri es0k nk p0sa haa n0 need to go anym0re !!

-g0 ch0ng weiiiiiiiiii
i'll update it later jap g nk tgk h0hoh0
oh my ch0ng wei l0st [or in imma's w0rd scwred]
but nvm
its a hard thing to d0
the pressure
the intensity
the fact that lin dan is h0tter than him
ch0ng wei deserved sum creadit aite?

l0ve line
hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i lurve diz t0pic hohoh
let me pen down my thought:
y i need a bf
1- to get over jerkluq of course but i need to l0ve him first[my new bf dat is]
2- i need my movie partner!!! -been missing l0tta movie nowdayssssssss so0o0 sad
3- bc0z im simply bored!!! i got so00 much l0ve to share muahhahahahhahahah
4- i wan to hang out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
5-since i l0st my bel0ved phone i need more typin activity to do
6- juz wanna sh0w dat jerkluq dar he is t0tally arent irreplaceable :P

k toddleeeeeee

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