Wednesday, March 5, 2008

back to say wut i wanna say

currently listening to-this thing i wanna say

i was at the library juz n0w
 discussing bout my stimulated teaching which will b presented diz m0nday[wah~]
g0in to buy sum stuff after...
 the i found this funny bo0k call: big bo0k of insult
[s0rry n0 pic,, n i cant find it on the internet,, bummer]
 which is so0o0o0 funny
 it had so0o0 many qoute fr0m shakespears until j.f kennedy
this robert wagner [if i'm n0t mistaken ]wh0 is a musician
was being insult fr0m other famous peeps such as d.h warren n m0re
but my fav one was
:wagner music is beautiful at the moment but getting worst by the hour:
funny aite?
but forg0t from wh0m
 but i an conclude that george bernand shaw d0 hv a bad month hahahha
but the way he was qouted was so0o0o0 funny
i juz lurve the language
 the way we manipulate it could turn sumthing simple to a unbelieveable thingy muahhahahahha


farhana said...

babe good luck with the presentation aite! muahx!

nad said...

agak dah
g library maennn jeee

weyh xperia hot!!