people will think im a bad person after this[i'll bet fendy would b one of'em] bc0z i asked ffor those stuff back.. but do they,y really kn0e the truth? wutever!! bc0z i knoe the truth n yes im dun care wut other pe0ple thought about me anym0re,,, bc0z it was me whose felt the pain of his betrayed,, he betray his own word n guess wut,, da gr8 ting is he is the one who ask or his baby back!! yes,, i wrote b4 dat i want th0se stuff back.. but after dat i'll try t0 b da better pers0n n let it b da memory between us,, hey im darn fond of sn0wy but hey, did he ever thought all bout it when he decided that he already bored of me?? that we been t0gether for to0 long???[which is the p0int of this realtionship for me,,, i wan a men to marry dats y i pick his over that hawt faizal wif afghan gen if u g0t wut i meant!!] hey,, actually i always wanted dat guitar back,, from d minutes he act stupidly,, n guess wut i knoe later pe0ple will label me as a bitter pers0n,,,,, n yes I DONT CARE ANYM0RE hey i want new enviroment,, i dun need all this anym0re,,, yup luq
i hope i'll b so0o0 over u A.S.A.P!!!
im selling those guitar to suhana dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [s0rry erkh i thought it was gibs0n but actually m0rrison,, it kinda go0d brand also]
juz hoping pe0ple will understand the ituation more,,
but i dun care bout other people im juz hoping my true fren,,,
i knoe they understand me,,,,,,,,,,
LUQMAN-----> jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
huhuhu feels gud babay